Evasion Lisbonne

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For the little story...

Evasion Lisbonne is the high-end service of a seasonal rental management agency located in the Lisbon region.
Live a unique and unforgettable travel experience thanks to your official supplier of emotions!
When you book one of the accommodations that we have selected among the best in the region, we share with you our favorites, local activities, authentic addresses and unusual places that no guide suggests.
We organize for you at no extra cost an à la carte road trip that will make your stay the most beautiful of your memories.
Our best local partners welcome you to help you discover the riches of Lisbon and the surrounding area.
Thanks to our tailor-made concierge, you can stay in Portugal with confidence.
Because your requirements are ours, we also take care of the management and performance of your property with as much care as if it were ours.
We apply the same philosophy to support future owners who invest in Portugal. Count on our expert team to facilitate your research, purchase and sale. With Evasion Lisbonne, discover Lisboa as you never imagined it!

Sandrine Gomes

While the kids were rushing to the comic books from the municipal library of her childhood, Sandrine, herself, always chose a travel guide. As a child, she already escaped on extraordinary journeys, spending hours contemplating images of countries that she did not yet know. What could be more logical, as an adult, than to make this passion your profession? Travel all over the world, almost all the time. She dreamed of it, she did it.

Even today, when she is not working, Sandrine leaves with her family to discover new horizons. Her thirst for adventure led her to meet ancestral traditions, surprising landscapes, to discover other cultures but also diverse and varied gastronomic specialties. And to perfect her expeditions, like a gold digger, she has always done everything to find in each country the most beautiful places of accommodation in order to then offer them to her French customers.

For sixteen years, Sandrine traveled the world for prestigious travel agencies and became an expert in her field. Sometimes abroad to find the best vacation spots, sometimes in France to develop dream trips, she has developed skills and know-how recognized in the profession. His method: listen, advise and respect desires by adding a little magic to allow a perfect trip.

Coming from a Portuguese family, Sandrine spent all of her childhood vacations in Lisbon. She knows it by heart. His love for the authentic Portuguese capital, colorful and sparkling at will was right for his desire to move. It was only the city of seven hills that could encourage the adventurer to settle down to live a new adventure. Thus, by combining her expertise in sales advice with her experience in tourism, she opened a high-end rental management agency on her parents’ land. By providing her customers with a tailor-made concierge service and personalized advice, Sandrine promises a unique and unforgettable stay in Lisbon.

David Gomes

Like my wife’s, my family is from Portugal and we share all the best secrets of Lisbon. This city has always had a special place in my life and my thoughts.

In 2018, I went through a period of questioning. I wanted to see something other than Paris, to change the setting. One evening, at home, I innocently launched out to Sandrine “What if we take our personal and professional luggage to try to surf the Lisbon wave? ”

The time to exchange a smile, which was only an empty idea, has turned into a serious project. There wasn’t much to think about. Some decisions are born out of such deep desires! Leaving to live and work in Lisbon was obvious to both of us. We just had to figure out how to organize a new life between Paris and Lisbon!

Sandrine is addicted to travel, discovery, culture and strong emotions. Evasion Lisbonne, initially, was his project. She had already told me about her concept “Seasonal rental management & tailor-made road trip trip”. At first, I was surprised by this innovative service combination, but I was quickly convinced. Thanks to her long experience in tourism, she knew that a tailor-made stay abroad could only be a good idea. In this business, Sandrine wanted to pamper customers, as she had always done. I could only love the idea! It only remained for me to find how to bring my stone to the building.

Because I myself became an owner in Lisbon a few years ago, I know the expectations of clients wishing to invest in the Portuguese capital. Wanting to buy, build or rent abroad without being on site is necessarily an obstacle. I know how to face it. This is how I was asked by French friends to find the second homes of their dreams in Portugal. I then proposed to them to take care of all the red tape to facilitate all their procedures.

She was there, my stone in the building! With my experience in real estate in Portugal, I joined the beautiful adventure Evasion Lisbon to provide this additional service. Since then, for my greatest pleasure, I meet clients in France and Portugal and I support them from A to Z in their real estate project.

A professional and family renewal so fulfilling!

Our Main Missions

  • To be your official supplier of emotions: to make you discover the most beautiful Lisbon and its surroundings and which the tourist guides do not show.
  • Concierge service: simplify your life during your entire stay. Don’t worry about anything anymore!
  • Real estate investment in Portugal: accompany you from A to Z to make the right choices and avoid administrative worries.
  • Seasonal rental management agency: advise you and put in place with you the tools that will allow maximum profitability of your property.

10 Good Reasons to Choose Evasion Lisbonne

  • A unique approach: the accommodation we find for you is the starting point for a personalized road trip that will make your stay unforgettable.
  • Top quality service: forget the worries, our concierge is there to satisfy your needs and desires.
  • Sound advice: we have searched, found, tested and validated all the products and addresses that we offer.
  • A team available: whether you are in France or Portugal, we are at your disposal to answer your questions and expectations.
  • An incomparable stay: so that your passage in Lisbon remains engraved forever, we concoct you a program rich in secret addresses and in discoveries of the authentic city.
  • A winning budget: visits, shopping, catering … we recommend outings with local rates.
  • Handpicked accommodation: we select your accommodation according to very precise specifications in order to give you total satisfaction.
  • Lisbon experts: we know the city of our ancestors and its surroundings by heart.
  • Serenity guaranteed: We take care of your project from A to Z. Your only mission is to profit!
  • Special care: pampering our customers is our added value. We distil little attentions throughout your stay. But surprise! We don’t tell you more!

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